Shiatsu is a manual, energetic and holistic Japanese Therapy, which uses the touch to bring balance to the body and therefore promotes health. Inspired by the traditional Chinese medicine, it aims is to restore the flow of the vital energy, called QI, in the areas of the body where it is lacking or in excess. It is practiced by producing more or less pressure with the thumbs and fingers but also with the palms, fists, elbows and even feet on specific points (tsubos) located along the meridians and governing an organ or a specific function.
Depending on the problem we will use other techniques (kneading, rotating joints, stretching or vibration) to remove blockages, stimulate weak points and activate the natural forces of self-healing.
According to the traditional Chinese wisdom, the Shiatsu considers the health of the whole person, physically emotionally, and mentally. It is based on the theory of the yin and yang, the two poles of energy, which are both opposite and complementary. These two poles connected to the 5 elements animate and preserve all life in the universe. Psychically the Shiatsu will bring a sense of calm and well being and will promote concentration.
It can be practiced dressed, naked, on a table or a floor mat.